Search Contract Opportunities

HHS CDC - Comprehensive Immunization Program Support - MRAS

ID: RFQ1676327 • Alt ID: R_GUeCMijoHoQV7Sp • Type: Solicitation


On behalf of Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), GSA is conducting market research. To respond to this RFI, copy and paste the below link into a new browser. Only responses submitted through the linked RFI will be accepted. Nothing else will be evaluated or recorded (this includes selecting 'interested' within eBuy). Link to RFI: Note: If the link does not work, try clearing your browser history (cache) and then copying and pasting the link into a new browser. Any questions regarding this RFI will be responded to by email only. Send your inquiry to: - be sure to include the RFQ number.
Purchase Agency: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD)

Reason for Purchase: The NCIRD is seeking comprehensive support for its Immunization Program, including project management, data visualization, communications, engagement of key partners, and the identification of progress metrics and reporting requirements. This support is necessary to address long-standing disparities in vaccination among underserved adults, improve vaccine confidence, and facilitate vaccine uptake of influenza, COVID-19, and other vaccines.

Work to be Acquired: The contractor will assist with the analysis, design, and improvement or replacement of systems, tools, resources, and processes used to support collaboration between work groups, the Bridge Access Program, and ongoing adult immunization efforts. Specific tasks include ISD dashboard development, ISD organizational analysis and design, ISD data management strategy and visualization, Bridge Program project management and support, fall planning project management and support, and support for cross-division coordination and collaboration.

Timeframe of Acquisition: The contract will have a base year from March 31, 2024 to March 30, 2025. There is an option for an additional year from March 31, 2025 to March 30, 2026.

Place of Performance/Delivery: The contractor will provide support services at CDC facilities or through telecommuting. The core hours for support services are between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding Federal holidays).

Notable Information: The contractor will be required to comply with various security requirements related to privacy protection, encryption of sensitive data, incident response procedures, position sensitivity designations for employees, and adherence to information security and privacy policies. Additionally, the contractor must ensure compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act to ensure accessibility of electronic and information technology for individuals with disabilities.


On 1/29/24 General Services Administration issued Solicitation RFQ1676327 for HHS CDC - Comprehensive Immunization Program Support - MRAS due 2/8/24. The opportunity was issued full & open with NAICS 541611 and PSC R431.
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