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HHS ACF - Training and Technical Support (PDG B-5) - MRAS

ID: RFQ1679113 • Alt ID: R_GafYmaFci4sARFv • Type: Solicitation


On behalf of Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), GSA is conducting market research. To respond to this RFI, copy and paste the below link into a new browser. Only responses submitted through the linked RFI will be accepted. Nothing else will be evaluated or recorded (this includes selecting 'interested' within eBuy). Link to RFI: Note: If the link does not work, try clearing your browser history (cache) and then copying and pasting the link into a new browser. Any questions regarding this RFI will be responded to by email only. Send your inquiry to: - be sure to include the RFQ number.
The US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Early Childhood Development is seeking a contractor to provide technical assistance for the National Technical Assistance Center for Preschool Development Grants Birth through Five (PDG B-5 TA Center). The purpose of this contract is to support the implementation of high-quality, integrated early care and education (ECE) systems in states and territories. The contractor will provide training and technical support to PDG B-5 grant recipients, as well as other states and territories working to improve their ECE systems. The contract is anticipated to have a base period of 12 months with 4 option years, totaling 60 months or 5 years. The place of performance will be mostly remote/with virtual capabilities, with training and technical support provided within the continental U.S. and Territories. The contractor will be responsible for tasks such as project management, convening national early childhood care and education provider and parent partner groups, organizing an annual national convening for PDG B-5 grantees, conducting an annual TA needs assessment, and providing universal, targeted, and intensive technical assistance.


Response Deadline
Feb. 19, 2024 Past Due
Feb. 13, 2024
Set Aside
Place of Performance
Not Provided

Current SBA Size Standard
$24.5 Million
Likely Time & Materials
Est. Level of Competition
Signs of Shaping
The solicitation is open for 7 days, below average for the General Services Administration.
On 2/12/24 General Services Administration issued Solicitation RFQ1679113 for HHS ACF - Training and Technical Support (PDG B-5) - MRAS due 2/19/24. The opportunity was issued full & open with NAICS 541611 and PSC R425.
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