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EPA - Mobile Source Development Services - MRAS

ID: RFQ1682278 • Alt ID: R_GPsZA55CSrEgv4U • Type: Solicitation


On behalf of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), GSA is conducting market research. To respond to this RFI, copy and paste the below link into a new browser. Only responses submitted through the linked RFI will be accepted. Nothing else will be evaluated or recorded (this includes selecting 'interested' within eBuy). Link to RFI: Note: If the link does not work, try clearing your browser history (cache) and then copying and pasting the link into a new browser. Any questions regarding this RFI will be responded to by email only. Send your inquiry to: - be sure to include the RFQ number.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking mobile source development services for advanced engine and powertrain technologies and real-world usage characteristics data collection. The EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) is responsible for collecting and analyzing emissions data from various types of mobile sources. The work to be acquired includes designing, fabricating, testing, and evaluating engines, powertrain systems, vehicle components, and fuel systems to reduce emissions and increase efficiency. The acquisition timeframe is estimated to be 12 months with the possibility of option periods. The work will be performed at the National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

The contractor will work with OTAQ staff and management, engine and vehicle manufacturers, fuels industries, research organizations, environmental interest groups, and the public. The contractor will develop engineering ideas and projects related to conventional gasoline, diesel, and alternatively fueled engines, as well as electrified powertrains. They will also conduct cost studies and collect real-world usage characteristic data using portable emission measurement systems. The contractor will be responsible for maintaining quality assurance project plans, performing testing tasks on prototype subsystems, evaluating existing vehicles and technologies, and measuring exhaust or evaporative emissions.

The EPA requires that the proposed instruments meet specific performance specifications. For the portable emissions measurement system (PEMS), it should be capable of measuring exhaust constituents such as carbon dioxide (CO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), total hydrocarbon (THC), non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC), particulate matter (PM), and mobile source air toxics (MSATS). The PEMS should comply with the requirements of 40 CFR Part 1065 and have additional critical capabilities such as real-time sensors, on-board ECM recording, accuracy and precision, modular design, non-intrusiveness, low personnel requirements and operating costs, power requirements compatible with vehicle systems, and data acquisition and storage capabilities.

For the portable activity measurement system (PAMS), it should be capable of measuring activity for various types of vehicles and equipment. The PAMS should have real-time sensors, on-board ECM recording, accuracy and precision, modular design, non-intrusiveness, low personnel requirements and operating costs, power requirements compatible with vehicle systems, data acquisition and storage capabilities, and attachment, connection, and packaging that can withstand vehicle shock and vibration. The PAMS should also meet specific performance requirements for engine components module, vehicle components module, CAN/ECM module, data storage, calibration, non-interference, computer interface, attachment, connection, and packaging.

Overall, the EPA is seeking a contractor to provide technical services for the development and evaluation of mobile source engines and vehicle systems. The contractor will work on multiple task orders concurrently to design, fabricate, test, optimize, and evaluate various components and subsystems. They will also collect real-world usage characteristic data using portable emission measurement systems. The contractor must meet specific performance specifications for both the portable emissions measurement system (PEMS) and portable activity measurement system (PAMS).


Response Deadline
March 17, 2024 Past Due
March 4, 2024
Set Aside
8(a) (8A)
Place of Performance
Not Provided

Est. Level of Competition
On 3/3/24 General Services Administration issued Solicitation RFQ1682278 for EPA - Mobile Source Development Services - MRAS due 3/17/24.


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