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DOJ FBI - Audio Visual Services - Market Research

ID: RFQ1680404 • Alt ID: R_GqVBxggzCNNEJK2 • Type: Solicitation


On behalf of Department of Justice (DOJ), GSA is conducting market research. To respond to this RFI, copy and paste the below link into a new browser. Only responses submitted through the linked RFI will be accepted. Nothing else will be evaluated or recorded (this includes selecting 'interested' within eBuy). Link to RFI: Note: If the link does not work, try clearing your browser history (cache) and then copying and pasting the link into a new browser. Any questions regarding this RFI will be responded to by email only. Send your inquiry to: - be sure to include the RFQ number.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is seeking audio visual system support services for the Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG). The scope of work includes onsite maintenance, support services, software updates, and moves, adds, change orders (MAC orders) for CIRG systems located in various locations in Virginia and Washington DC. The objective is to ensure that CIRG's SERCO-programmed systems are kept up-to-date and operational. The contractor will be responsible for upgrades, new installations, system assessment, design, installation, programming, and training services. The period of performance for the contract is 1 base year with 4 option years.

The contractor will provide onsite maintenance and service support for the A/V systems located at each CIRG facility. Services will be provided in accordance with three categories: basic service, essential service, and preferred service. The contractor will also provide telephone support services and software updates and upgrades as needed. Additionally, the contractor will perform MAC orders in support of A/V systems at the sites. All work performed on the equipment will be recorded and reported to the FBI.

The primary place of performance for this contract is at DOJ and FBI CIRG sites in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The contractor is required to maintain a minimum of four maintenance technicians to support A/V systems. Deliverables include monthly service reports, monthly status reports, toll-free number, O&M breakdown report, preventative maintenance report, and bi-weekly project/status meeting summaries. Invoices must be submitted electronically through the Invoice Processing Platform (IPP). Security clearance requirements must be met by all personnel associated with this contract. The designated Contracting Officer Representative (COR) will ensure all actions pertaining to this contract are requested via the Contracting Officer (CO).


Response Deadline
Feb. 25, 2024 Past Due
Feb. 22, 2024
Set Aside
Place of Performance
Not Provided

Est. Level of Competition
Signs of Shaping
The solicitation is open for 4 days, below average for the General Services Administration.
On 2/21/24 General Services Administration issued Solicitation RFQ1680404 for DOJ FBI - Audio Visual Services - Market Research due 2/25/24.


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