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Data Science and Machine Learning Services

ID: RFQ1680022 • Alt ID: RFQ 2032H8-23-Q-00059 • Type: Solicitation


The LB&I Division of the IRS requires consulting services in data science to develop data products that 1) Consume data from various sources, including Internal Revenue Service, Securities and Exchange Commission, and Burau Van Dijik; 2) Implement various machine learning models developed in R and Python; ;3) Package data products in Docker containers; and 4) Deploy containers to the AWS (Amazon Web Services) GovCloud. This is the same requirement as RFQ1675912. Amendment #3 was issued to clarify a couple of Q&A questions, which is why the requirement is extended thru Thursday, February 22, 2024. Amendment #4 will be issued to correct the date and time of receipt of bids. All responses received in response to RFQ1675912 will be accepted. However, if you choose to make a change to your bid you have until closing to do so. You do not need to resubmit if no changes are made to your offer.
The IRS's LB&I Division is seeking consulting services in data science to develop data products, implement machine learning models, package data products in Docker containers, and deploy containers to the AWS GovCloud. The contract has been extended through February 22, 2024, and amendments will be issued to correct the date and time of bid receipt. The Contractor will be responsible for providing professional consulting services in machine learning, probability and statistics, data science, and software engineering. They must have expertise in various technologies including GitHub Enterprise, Markdown, Microsoft SQL and Sybase database design and development, Databricks, R and Python for data munging and modeling, XPath, XQuery for XML parsing, Shiny for data visualization, RStudio, Jupyter, VSCode for programming, Docker for containerization, and Amazon GovCloud for deployment. The work will involve consuming data from various sources such as the IRS, SEC, and Bureau Van Dijk; implementing machine learning models using R and Python; packaging data products in Docker containers; deploying containers to the AWS GovCloud; documenting using markdown; and placing code and documentation under version control with GitHub. The anticipated period of performance is twelve months for the base period with an option for an additional twelve-month period. The place of performance is at the Contractor's own facility with the possibility of telework.


Response Deadline
Feb. 21, 2024 Past Due
Feb. 20, 2024
Set Aside
8(a) (8A)
Place of Performance
Not Provided

Current SBA Size Standard
$34 Million
Est. Level of Competition
Signs of Shaping
The solicitation is open for 2 days, below average for the Department of the Treasury.
On 2/19/24 Department of the Treasury issued Solicitation RFQ1680022 for Data Science and Machine Learning Services due 2/21/24. The opportunity was issued with a 8(a) (8A) set aside with NAICS 541512 (SBA Size Standard $34 Million).


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