Posted: April 20, 2017, 2:35 p.m. EDT
This is a Request for Information (RFI) only. The purpose of this RFI is to gain knowledge of potential vendors' capabilities, solutions, and practices that could satisfy the technical and functional requirements for a possible new data analytics and applied sciences support contract for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Office of Research, Applied Analytics, and Statistics (RAAS). This RFI is an invitation for interested parties to provide the IRS with information regarding current capabilities, technologies and viable approaches to accomplishing objectives in the RFI Attachment 1 - Draft Performance Work Statement (PWS) and RFI Attachment 2 - Business Challenges with respect to the RAAS data analytics and innovation requirements.
This RFI identifies key characteristics that interested vendors should possess and describes some of the key business challenges the IRS hopes industry can help solve. This RFI is designed as a Market Research tool to collect information. Responses will also be used to gauge the level of interest in the project. Additionally, the IRS may use any information obtained in response to this RFI to improve the quality and clarity of the attached Draft PWS on which a future Request for Proposal (RFP) might be based.
The IRS is making significant strategic changes in the overall tax compliance landscape. Tax law and taxpayer behaviors are continuously changing and the IRS must act proactively to detect and prevent to tax non-compliance and refund fraud. The RAAS works strategically to identify trends and patterns in tax behavior and to develop analytical frameworks to solve as these trends become more apparent and recognizable, the IRS must design new compliance processes, implement strategies to capture lost revenue and increase taxpayer compliance. Additionally, refund fraud through identity theft of individuals and businesses continues to evolve as thieves adjust to the tax environment changes. Also, the service needs of the IRS may benefit from increased use of complex analytical frameworks. The RAAS focuses on solving complex business issues across the IRS.
The RAAS provides leading research, analytical, statistical, and technology services and is the leading source for data analytics, analytical and statistical support, research tools and information, and breakthrough technologies within the IRS. The RAAS recommendations, studies, and data are effectively used to assist in the administration of the U.S. tax system and to improve IRS performance. Our projects encompass a variety of subjects, including statistical analyses, program evaluations, and research on topics affecting tax administration, compliance studies, and the administration of enterprise research resources. The RAAS serves as a consultant to the IRS Commissioner and the Senior Executive Team and is a strategic partner for decisions affecting Service wide operations. The RAAS has a potential need for contractors to support IRS tax initiatives via improved data analytics.
Responses in any form to this RFI are not offers and no proposals are being requested and no contract award will result from this RFI. The IRS may issue a RFP using information from submissions to this RFI.
The IRS will keep contact information received from parties interested in this RFI and use it to inform said interested parties regarding any RFI updates and a future RFP, if any. Vendors that do not respond to this RFI will not be precluded from responding to a future RFP, if any. All materials submitted by a respondent shall become the property of the IRS and will not be returned to the respondent.
The IRS will not be liable for any costs incurred by any respondent pertaining to the preparation and submittal of any written responses or for participation in a demonstration in response to this RFI. Any content that is proprietary and/or confidential should be marked as such in the response. Failure to mark content as proprietary and/or confidential may result in its disclosure in the event a response is the subject of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
Responses are due no later than 12:00 Noon EST on May 11, 2017. All responses must be submitted electronically to the attention of Rebecca A. Taylor via email and shall contain "TTN-6012" in the subject line.
The response total e-mail file limit size is restricted to 5MB. Files exceeding this threshold shall be submitted over multiple messages and be identified in the subject line as "TTN-6012 Email #x of #x".
Responses shall be in the form of a Statement of Capability. A Statement of Capability must include the following items:
A. Cover letter (1-Page) with company name, primary contact name & job title, address, telephone, email address, and business size classification.
B. Company Data and Information (No more than 24-Pages), which may include:
o Demonstrate company stability, depth of resources, and control of products.
o Describe data analytics challenges and solutions faced within the last 3 years.
o Examples of providing solutions to similar types of customers and include the
total value and period of performance.
o Proposed approaches to RFI Attachment 2 - Business Challenges.
C. Comments or questions about RFI Attachment 1 - Draft PWS (No more than 5-Pages)
D. Corporate Product Literature (No more than 5 Items/ Brochures/ No larger than 8.5 inches x 11 inches), such as list of functionality, published price sheets, etc.
Responses shall be submitted in two versions: One as a PDF file and the second in MS Word or MS Excel 2010 attachments, as appropriate.
RFI Submissions shall be no larger than 30 pages, excluding Corporate Product Literature. The term "page" refers to an 8.5 inch x 11 inch standard size page. Margins shall be 1 inch top, bottom, and right side. Left side margin shall be 1.5 inches.
All narrative shall be typed in Times New Roman, 12-point font size. Text shall be single spaced and separation between paragraphs shall be double spaced.
For illustrations, drawings, and tables, a 10-point font size is required at minimum.
All labels and markings shall be easily readable. Color may be used at the discretion of the responder. Foldout pages are not permitted, except for Corporate Product Literature.
1 - Draft Performance Work Statement, 23 pages
2 - Business Challenges, 6 pages