Posted: Aug. 16, 2022, 7:35 p.m. EDT
5. PROJECT NUMBER (if applicable) CODE 7. ADMINISTERED BY 2. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NUMBER CODE 6. ISSUED BY 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR 4. REQUISITION/PURCHASE REQ. NUMBER 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NUMBER 9B. DATED PAGE OF PAGES 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT/ORDER NUMBER 10B. DATED BPA NO. 1. CONTRACT ID CODE FACILITY CODE CODE Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods: The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers E. IMPORTANT: is extended, (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning __________ copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or (c) By separate letter or electronic communication which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY is not extended. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (REV. 11/2016) is required to sign this document and return ___________ copies to the issuing office. is not, A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. 15C. DATE SIGNED B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT/ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(b). RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by letter or electronic communication, provided each letter or electronic communication makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified. C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER Contractor 16C. DATE SIGNED 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION 16B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER 16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER 15B. CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR STANDARD FORM 30 PREVIOUS EDITION NOT USABLE Prescribed by GSA - FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 (Type or print) (Type or print) (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.) (Number, street, county, State and ZIP Code) (If other than Item 6) (Specify type of modification and authority) (such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc.) (If required) (SEE ITEM 11) (SEE ITEM 13) (X) CHECK ONE 13. THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS, IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT/ORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT (Signature of person authorized to sign) (Signature of Contracting Officer) 1 9 0002 FUNDED AT TASK ORDER LEVEL 36C786 Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration Contracting Services 18434 Joplin Road Triangle VA 22172 To all Offerors/Bidders 36C78622R0018 X X X 1 X 1 AE IDIQ: The purpose of this amendment is to provide responses to questions. See attached list of questions and responses. The new Contracting Officer is SHANE HILTS. Please forward SF 330s, correspondence, and questions to Future questions related to page limitation will be rejected. The due date for SF 330s remains unchanged at August 22, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. EDT. KELLYANN BRUNO CONTRACTING OFFICER 36C786R0018 0002 ARCHITECT ENGINEERING IDIQ NCA NATIONAL CEMETERY NATION-WIDE 12 Page 12 of 12 AE IDIQ QUESTIONS/ANSWERS Limiting teams to a single submission for all Districts impacts our ability to respond to evaluation factors. The following page count demonstrates these issues: Cover 1 page Table of Contents 1 page Part 1 2 pages Org Chart (5 Districts) 5 pages Projects (10) 20 pages see 2 below Section G 1 page Section H 15 pages see 3 below Part II s (18 firms) 18 pages see 4 below VetBiz Registration 2 pages Lead Designer Portfolio 12 pages 77 pages RESPONSE: The page count is increased to 85. Combining all district submissions into a single package does not allow design teams to submit more than 10 total projects. A/E s would like to be able to provide the most relevant projects for all districts. RESPONSE: The page count limitation is increased to 85 pages allowing for complete district submission. SF 330 Instructions and B Additional Information/Instructions. The instructions state that for each company represented in Section C, E, F, G and H they should be color-coded by company. In addition to this color coding, each district should also be color coded if an offeror is bidding more than one district. The Section H needs to address firm expertise, 13 tasks and 5 evaluation criteria. RESPONSE: Section H is for each firm to add any additional information you deem relevant to the requirement. The VA requires a broad team to support the critical aspects of the proposed work. Combining all districts into a single submission increases the total number of Part II s. RESPONSE: The page count is increased to 85. If the VA allows separate submission for each district, removes the requirement for project photos the following sample page count could be used, meeting the 50 page limit. Cover 1 page Table of Contents 1 page Part 1 2 pages Org Chart 1 pages Projects (10) 10 pages Section G 1 page Section H 15 pages Part II s (13 firms) 13 pages VetBiz Registration 2 pages Lead Designer Portfolio 12 pages 58 pages RESPONSE: The page count is increased to 85. We respectfully submit the following RFI s Will the VA reduce the requirement for photos and plans, this would allow projects to be submitted on a single page. RESPONSE: Each firm determines how best to submit its responses. Will the VA allow the A/E to submit more than 10 projects, but no more than 10 projects for each district. RESPONSE: No, the maximum number of projects is 10. However, you can utilize color coding to identify projects for multiple districts. Will the VA increase the total page count to 80 pages or allow for separate submissions of 60 pages for each district. RESPONSE: Yes, the page count is increased to 85. If printed the organization chart is typically 11 x 17 , is this an acceptable sheet size. RESPONSE: This electronic sheet size is acceptable. Do major cemetery expansions completed for CFM count as NCA projects? RESPONSE: Yes, if CFM projects are similar in size and scope, they are acceptable. Request you include the contract number, CO, COR, and PM for the project. If the page limit remains 50, will the VA consider eliminating the Lead Designer portfolio from the page count (as per the resumes)? RESPONSE: No, the page count is increased to 85. We cannot find a certification entitled Landscape Commissioning Agent (LCxA). Is demonstrated education and experience designing and overseeing construction of exemplary, high-performing landscape projects similar to those constructed by NCA acceptable? RESPONSE: The LCxA is no longer a requirement. The requirement for a Landscape Commissioning Agent is not required. Language has been change to read, A Commissioning Agent (CxA) that demonstrates education and experience designing and overseeing construction of exemplary, high-performing landscape projects similar to those constructed by NCA is acceptable. For the solicitation 36C78622R0018 NCA IDIQ If we are pursuing multiple districts (in our case, the North Atlantic and the Southeast districts), but we are proposing the same team for both districts because they have multiple office locations, do we still need to color code the TOC accordingly? Or, is it okay if we just mention in the TOC, Section H, and elsewhere that we will be using the same team and disciplines for both districts? RESPONSE: It is highly recommended that each district is color coded. For the required representative floor plan, site plan, a building section or other appropriate drawing is any one of these documents sufficient? RESPONSE: Any one of these is sufficient. 10. For the sake of space and file size, is a screenshot or thumbnail photograph of the required representative floor plan, site plan, a building section or other appropriate drawing acceptable? RESPONSE: No, the quality of the screenshot may be insufficient. 11. Can the 4 pictures and the required representative floor plan, site plan, a building section or other appropriate drawing be provided all on one page? This way each Part F project will count as 2 pages, 1 for the Part F and 1 for the page with pictures and required documentation. RESPONSE: No. See previous response. Do the projects for the Lead Designer Portfolio need to be different from the 10 in Part F? RESPONSE: No, three (3) out of the ten (10) must be directly attributable to the Lead Designer. See Appendix B, paragraph d. 13. We cannot find a certification entitled Landscape Commissioning Agent (LCxA). Is demonstrated education and experience designing and overseeing construction of exemplary, high-performing landscape projects similar to those constructed by NCA acceptable? RESPONSE: The LCxA is no longer a requirement. The requirement for a Landscape Commissioning Agent is not required. Language has been change to read, A Commissioning Agent (CxA) that demonstrates education and experience designing and overseeing construction of exemplary, high-performing landscape projects similar to those constructed by NCA is acceptable. 14. Another question for the NCA IDIQ 36C78622R0018 does Supplement B need to be completed and incorporated into our submission at this stage in the process? RESPONSE: No, pricing is not required at this stage. This section is for firms that are selected for Stage 2 of the procurement process. 15. If the Key Personal is licensed in multiple states is it expected to submit copies of all licenses for each state? For example, an Architect is licensed in 26 states. Are we to submit copies of all 26 licenses? RESPONSE: Yes, if those states are in the districts, you are submitting an SF330. 16. What will be viewed as appropriate documentation for this submission in regards to copies of professional licenses? As an example the State of Minnesota s board of AELSLAGID no longer issues licenses, rather they utilize their website where the professionals status of licensure can be found. Therefore professionals in the state of Minnesota do not have a license to provide a copy of. RESPONSE: Provide a screenshot of the website indicating the license and provide a link. 17. Please clarify if Part II s will be counted towards the page limitation. If we have 32 team members that will be 32 pages out of our 50 page limitation. RESPONSE: The page count is increased to 85. 18. Shall we submit PPQ s for projects that do not have a CPAR? And if so, shall we submit the first page of the PPQ returned with the submittal? Will previously completed PPQs be accepted? RESPONSE: Yes, PPQ must be current and submitted in its entirety. 19. Per Amendment 0001, the secondary selection criterion has not been identified, these evaluation components are areas we greatly consider as we put together our proposal. Without this information and given the tight page limitation, it is challenging to put together our best proposal package. As the information is not yet available, will a proposal extension be issued to allow for proper consideration and incorporation of these missing requirements? RESPONSE: If two or more firms are technically equal, secondary criteria location and equitable distribution of work may be used as tie-breakers and the final ranking of firms decided. 20. Also, the page limitation still seems low for the amount of information being requested, especially for those who want to submit on all regions. Could the page count be extended to 75 pages? RESPONSE: The page count is increased to 85. 21. Under Phase 1: Evaluation Factors, Factor 2 Professional Qualifications, it states: Indicate specific role of key personnel for this contract and their level of involvement in example projects under Section G in Part 1 of the SF330. The specific role of key personnel in this contract is commonly listed under block 27; however, there is no provision for indicating level of involvement in the example projects. How would you like us to indicate level of involvement? Is there a specific place you d like us to put this indication in the Section G charts? RESPONSE: Evaluation Factors, Factor 2 Professional Qualifications refers you to the same instructions identified in the SF 330 Section G. Indicate specific role of key personnel for this contract and their level of involvement in example projects under Section G in Part 1 of the SF330. See SF 300 Instructions for Section G, blocks 27 and 28. 22. One follow up question that we had here today is when can we expect responses / amendment back from the VA on the second round of RFI s that were due today? RESPONSE: No comment. 23. Reference FACTOR 5: GEOGRAPHIC PLAN: Is the intent of the NCA that an Offeror have at least one branch location from the Offeror's Team in each state within the Districts they are proposing? RESPONSE: The intent is for each firm submitting an SF 330 has the capacity to perform in any district they indicate. 24. Based upon the Section H requirements, will the NCA set a page limitation of 30 pages and keep with the original instructions that the Lead Designers Portfolio is a separate document to be excluded from the 50 page limitation? RESPONSE: The page count is increased to 85. 25. Will the NCA exclude the Section F projects from the page limitation as you did for the Section E resumes? RESPONSE: No. 26. Based upon standard practice of the VA and Federal Agencies, will the NCA exclude the Part IIs from the page limitation? RESPONSE: The page count is increased to 85. 27. Based upon standard practice of the VA, will the NCA exclude from the page count the SDVOSB certification letter? RESPONSE: No, the page count is increased to 85. 28. The Lead Designer Portfolio: will the NCA exclude this from the 50 page limitation and set it at a page limitation for the Lead Designer Portfolio of 20 pages? RESPONSE: No, 29. Geographic Plan is district specific. Would the NCA consider revising the requirements to set a 5 page limit per District? RESPONSE: No. 30. For ease on the evaluation board, will NCA allow an 8pt font for graphic illustrations/matrices/captions only (not narrative text)? RESPONSE: No. 31. Because RFIs close on August 12, 2022 and NCA responses are forthcoming, we request at least a 15 day extension of the due date. Will the NCA adjust the due date to 13 September 2022 or later? RESPONSE: The due date remains unchanged at August 22, 2022. 32. The subject RFQ requests color coding for each district an Offeror proposes. Will the NCA define the color codes for each District? RESPONSE: No, each firm determines the color. 33. Based on the requirements, will the NCA modify the instructions to state: The Lead Designer s Portfolio is to be included as an Appendix inserted at the end of the SF330 Part I? RESPONSE: No. 34. It is unclear whether the Lead Designer's Portfolio intended to be presented by District for the Offeror s Project Manager(s). Will the NCA define the role/responsibility that will be considered as the Lead Designer's Portfolio? RESPONSE: Please clarify the question. 35. Reference: A.3 SF 330 Instructions, d. SF-330 page limitation and e. Multiple Districts. Question: Is it NCAs intent that Offerors may submit by Geographic District; different Section F projects and Section G Staff to Projects matrix? For example: if a firm pursues 5 Districts, there could be as many as 50 Section F projects (50 pages) and 5 Section G Projects to Staff matrices (5 pages) - which exceeds the overall 50 page limitation. RESPONSE: The page limitation is increased to 85. 36. Will the NCA allow additional 30 pages for each District an Offeror proposes? For example, this will allow up to a total of 120 additional pages if an Offeror proposes on all 5 Districts. RESPONSE: The page limitation is increased to 85. 37. Are PPQs or CPARS required for each project provided in the Section F? RESPONSE: It is highly encouraged; however, not required. 38. Reference: E. SF330, SECTION H, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, page 46: "The team may suggest and provide design approach statements for other disciplines such as electrical, civil, or other areas for which they have exceptional designers that might be relevant (one-page per discipline)." Will the NCA exclude the one-page per discipline from the overall page limitation? RESPONSE: No, the page limitation is increased to 85. 39. General request asking the NCA set clear instructions of page limitations by Section and page limitations by Districts. RESPONSE: The page limitation is increased to 85. 40. In order to comply with the Section F requirements, will the NCA set a page allowance of 20 pages? RESPONSE: The page limitation is increased to 85. 41. In the RFI s responses provided by NCA, question 41 stated that each proposed district should be no more than 7 to 10 megs. This seems to conflict with the RFP. Does this mean we should have a separate submission for each district or are we required to provide a single 7 to 10 meg document for each district that we choose to submit on? Thank you. RESPONSE: NCA understands each agency/company has email size restrictions. We understand the need for multiple emails. When submitting SF330s, if more than one email is sent, please number emails in Subjects as 1 of n . Refer to SF 330 Instructions, paragraph c. 42. Design Build Consortium, LLC (sdvosb) is planning on submitting our team response to most if not all of the districts and are finding that the 50-page limitation is extremely restrictive given the amount of information you require for this RFQ. We do greatly appreciate the deletion of the resumes and the registrations/certifications from the page count and that helped quite a bit. Our planned approach is to offer geographically responsive and NCA experienced teams with duplicate key personnel varying by district. We also intend to submit three lead designer portfolios that will offer the NCA extended capabilities, capacities, and geographies to be able to respond to task orders with a cost effective, highly responsive and experienced team to cover a complete gamut of requested standard planning and design disciplines and specialty skills. We respectfully request that the page count be increased or maybe remove the lead designer portfolios from the page count so that we might better convey the full offering of talent, capacity and flexibility to the NCA. We thank you in advance for your consideration. RESPONSE: The page limitation is increased to 85. 43. The RFQ requests that we demonstrate the ability to successfully accomplish a wide range of project types, sizes and budgets. Does that include project types outside typical cemetery planning and design? For example, historic fence preservation, new perimeter fencing, Cemetery admin bldg. renovation, Design and Construction of new cemetery public restrooms, reroofing of cemetery facilities, resetting/realignment of headstones, etc? RESPONSE: It is up to each firm to identify and submit projects that align with the requirements of the solicitation. 44. Can the requirement to use projects completed over the past 5 years be extended to include projects 7-10 years hence? RESPONSE: No. This requirement remains unchanged. 45. The Point of Contact for this requirement going forward is: Shane Hilts. All SF330 submittals, questions and comments are to be directed to: End of Document