Budget Account
2040A - Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army
Budget Activity
04 - Advanced Component Development and Prototypes
The NATO Research and Development program is designed to enhance the conventional defense capabilities of the United States and its cooperative partners, including NATO, major non-NATO allies, and friendly foreign countries. This initiative focuses on technology sharing and joint equipment development to reduce acquisition costs for the U.S. It also seeks to improve multinational force compatibility through the development and use of similar equipment and enhanced interfaces. The program emphasizes international cooperative technology demonstration, validation, and interoperability of Army weapon systems and command, control, communications, and information systems.
A key objective is to support Armaments Cooperation Enterprise Support by expanding worldwide allied standardization and interoperability through cooperative research and development. This includes participation in international forums such as the NATO Army Armaments Group and Defense Against Terrorism initiatives. The program covers travel costs and administrative support necessary for international cooperation efforts. Additionally, it supports nine Contractor Manpower Equivalents with armaments cooperation in munitions, weapons, aviation, and armaments.
The Communications Interoperability and Electronics Technologies project aims to develop technologies that enable interoperability among partner countries' command, control, communications, sensors, and information systems. This involves creating a single solution standard to avoid multiple unique solutions while leveraging existing interoperability standards developed by NATO. Efforts include projects related to Multi-National Network Enabled Capabilities, Low Level Air Defense Interoperability, Joint Tactical Radio System, Combat Identification, and Multilateral Interoperability Program.
The Weapons and Munitions Technologies project focuses on collaborating with partner countries to increase interoperability by jointly developing technologies that enhance range, payloads, speed, survivability, and lethality of Army weapons systems. Areas of cooperation include fuzing and warhead systems, guidance systems, counter improvised explosive device neutralization, directed energy, and fire control systems. These efforts are conducted under international agreements aimed at improving defense capabilities for both the U.S. and its partner countries.