Budget Account
2035A - Other Procurement, Army
Budget Activity
01 - Tactical and support vehicles
The ARNG HMMWV Modernization Program is focused on updating the Army National Guard's fleet of High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs) to meet current operational standards. This initiative aims to address the challenges posed by an aging fleet by procuring new production, up-armored, or armor-capable HMMWVs. The primary goal is to enhance the readiness and capability of the ARNG by replacing non-armored vehicles that cannot be upgraded with modern, more resilient models.
This modernization effort aligns with the Army's broader strategy to ensure that its equipment meets contemporary operational requirements. By divesting non-armored HMMWVs, the program seeks to close gaps in variant model mixes and reduce obsolescence burdens. The procurement of these new vehicles is intended to support Modification Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) units, ensuring that they are equipped with vehicles capable of meeting current and future mission demands.
The program also supports the ARNG's role in homeland defense missions, domestic emergency responses, and military support to civil authorities. By modernizing its vehicle fleet, the ARNG enhances its ability to respond effectively to a range of scenarios requiring rapid deployment and robust operational capabilities. This initiative reflects a commitment to maintaining a state of readiness across both active and reserve components of the Armed Forces.
The ARNG HMMWV Modernization Program is a critical component of the Army's efforts to ensure that its tactical vehicle fleet remains capable and ready for diverse missions. By focusing on procurement of new armored vehicles, this program addresses both current readiness challenges and future operational needs, supporting a wide array of defense and civil support roles.