Budget Account
3022F - Procurement, Space Force
Budget Activity
NUDET Detection System under the Air Force's Space Procurement, aims to provide a near real-time worldwide capability to detect, locate, and report any nuclear detonations in the atmosphere of the earth or in near space. The program supports NUDET detection requirements across five mission areas: Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment (ITW/AA), Nuclear Force Management (NFM), Space Control, Treaty Monitoring, and a classified mission. It is jointly sponsored and funded by the Department of Defense (DoD) through the Air Force and the Department of Energy (DOE) through the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and its Nuclear Detonation Detection (NA-22) office. The program involves the procurement of space sensors as Government Furnished Equipment to the AF USNDS Program Office, responsible for acquisition, systems engineering, integration, and test activities on space vehicles.
The NUDET Detection System program is focused on enhancing national security by providing a highly survivable/endurable capability to detect nuclear detonations globally. It is mandated by Public Law 110-181 to maintain space-based nuclear detection capability at or above 2008 levels. The program's objectives include modernizing and continuously improving the ground control segment through an incremental evolutionary acquisition approach. Additionally, it aims to integrate new or repurpose existing capabilities to respond with speed and agility to emerging adversary threats in space. The funding for this program is contained in PE 1203913SF, NUDET Detection System (SPACE), with no FY 2024 funding requested.