Budget Account
1109N - Procurement, Marine Corps
Budget Activity
4 - Communications and electronics equipment
Modification Kits is a procurement initiative under the Navy's budget for Communications and Electronics Equipment. The program aims to support the Identity Dominance System - Marine Corps (IDS-MC) and the Forensics Dominance System - Marine Corps (FDS-MC). Specifically, the budget allocation will be used to procure hardware components for the Tech Refresh of laptop computers for IDS-MC, with an increase in funding from FY 2023 to FY 2024 to support this effort. Additionally, the budget will procure five FDS-MC systems to meet Full Operational Capability in FY 2025, with an increase in funding from FY 2023 to FY 2024 to support the procurement of these systems.
The primary goal of Program 4652 is to provide the Marine Corps with reliable and effective biometric collection and forensic capabilities through IDS-MC and FDS-MC, respectively. This includes collecting, sharing, matching, accessing, verifying, and storing identity information for individuals encountered in the battle space. The program also supports intelligence analysis by providing positive identification of persons of interest and aids in detainee management, base access, counterintelligence screening, border control, displaced persons' management, and humanitarian assistance missions. The procurement of modification kits will enable the Marine Corps to maintain and enhance these critical biometric and forensic capabilities in line with operational requirements.