Budget Account
2040A - Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army
Budget Activity
4 - Advanced Component Development and Prototypes
The Mobile Medium Range Missile falls under the Army's Research, Development, Test & Evaluation budget activity for Advanced Component Development & Prototypes. The program aims to develop and deploy four Mobile Intermediate Range Missile (MRC) batteries, providing Combatant Commanders with a strategic, ground-mobile, offensive missile capability. Leveraging existing SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles for ground launch, the MRC Prototype Weapon System is designed to offer a responsive, highly accurate, deep strike capability to destroy high-value targets. The program is optimized for the penetration/dis-integration phase of Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) by defeating enemy Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) systems and enabling freedom of maneuver during the exploitation phase.
The MRC Prototype Weapon System will provide Launchers and a Battery Operations Center (BOC) capable of firing a mix of missiles at various speeds and altitudes for mid-range distances to engage targets. The program's specific objectives include integrating design requirements to complete and deploy the prototype battery, supporting fabrication of subsequent prototype batteries, evaluating required characteristics for safe and effective operational fielding, and purchasing hardware and materials for prototype fabrication. The acquisition strategy involves developing, integrating, and producing MRC-specific analysis, design, development, and integration through a prototype Other Transaction Authority (pOTA) awarded to Lockheed Martin. Additionally, leveraging existing contract vehicles will ensure commonality in production, training, logistics, and sustainment with other service branches.