97.042: Emergency Management Performance Grants
Alternate Name: EMPG
Program Number
Last Modified
Sept. 23, 2022
Date Posted
Sept. 23, 2022
The FY 2021 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program is one of the grant programs that constitute the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (EFMA) focus on all-hazards emergency preparedness. These grant programs are part of a comprehensive set of measures authorized by Congress and implemented by the Administration. Among the five basic homeland security missions noted in the DHS Quadrennial Homeland Security Review, the EMPG supports the goal to Strengthen National Preparedness and Resilience. The 2018-2022 FEMA Strategic Plan creates a shared vision for the field of emergency management and sets an ambitious, yet achievable, path forward to unify and further professionalize emergency management across the country. The EMPG Program supports the goals of Building a Culture of Preparedness and Readying the Nation for Catastrophic Disasters. The purpose of EMPG is to provide Federal funds to states to assist state, local, territorial, and tribal governments in preparing for all hazards, as authorized by Section 662 of the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act (6 U.S.C. § 762) and the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 5121 et seq.). Title VI of the Stafford Act authorizes DHS/FEMA to make grants for the purpose of providing a system of emergency preparedness for the protection of life and property in the United States from all hazards and to vest responsibility for emergency preparedness jointly in the Federal Government, states, and their political subdivisions. The Federal Government, through EMPG, provides direction, coordination, and guidance, and provides necessary assistance, as authorized in this title, to support a comprehensive all-hazards emergency preparedness system. The FY 2021 EMPG Program will provide Federal funds to assist state, local, tribal, and territorial emergency management agencies to obtain the resources required to support implementation of the National Preparedness System and the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal) of a secure and resilient Nation. EMPG Program objectives include 1) closing capability gaps that are identified in the state’s or territory’s most recent Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR), and 2) building or sustaining those capabilities that are identified as high priority through the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA)/SPR process and other relevant information sources.
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 provides an extra $100 million in funding for the EMPG-ARPA Program to assist State, local, tribal, and territorial emergency management agencies in their continuing efforts with preventing, preparing for, and responding to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency. Funding will support planning and operational readiness for COVID-19 preparedness and response, as well as the development of tools and strategies for prevention, preparedness, and response, and ensure ongoing communication and coordination among federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial partners throughout the response.
In addition, in FY 2020, the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act provided supplemental EMPG funding (EMPG-S) to assist State, local, tribal, and territorial emergency management activities supporting the prevention of, preparation for, and response to the COVID-19 public health emergency.
Type of Assistance
A - Formula Grants
Applicant Eligibility
All EMPG and EMPG-ARPA applicants are required to develop and submit a Work Plan as described in the “EMPG Work Plan” section of the Preparedness Grants Manual (PGM). The submitted Work Plan must address all the information requirements included in the template, the FY 2021 EMPG Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)/FY 2021 EMPG-ARPA NOFO, and PGM. Recipients shall ensure that their EMPG Program Work Plans and Integrated Preparedness Plans (IPPs) align with and are complementary to one another and are used in tandem to support shared priorities for building and sustaining the state/territory’s preparedness capabilities. States/territories must coordinate with the FEMA Regional Administrator (RA) to identify 3-5 mutually agreed priorities, which will serve as the primary focus for developing the required Work Plan. Applicants are required to account for the supplemental EMPG-ARPA allocation in a Work Plan. Additionally, new for FY 2021, recipients will set outcome-oriented performance goals for closing capability gaps related to the three to five priorities agreed upon with the region, aligning funding with high-priority strategic preparedness needs. An outcome-oriented approach will allow recipients to define success, benchmark their projects, and measure their progress in building capability.
Prior to submission, the applicant must work with the FEMA Regional Administrator, or designated FEMA Regional Program Manager, to ensure that appropriate regional and state/territory priorities are effectively addressed in the Work Plan. All EMPG and EMPG-ARPA Work Plans will require final approval by the applicable FEMA Regional Administrator. EMPG Regional Program Managers will work closely with states/territories to monitor Work Plans during the performance period and may request further documentation from the recipients to clarify the projected work plan. In addition, the applicable EMPG Regional Program Manager must approve final Work Plans before States may draw down EMPG or EMPG-ARPA Program funds.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Funding under this program is ultimately used by emergency management organizations and programs of States, the District of Columbia, territories and possessions of the Unites States, local, and Indian Tribal governments.
Additional Information
Federal Award Analysis
Emergency Management Performance Grants grant spending
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Emergency Management Performance Grants direct grants
Grant Opportunities