Search Grant Programs

93.732: Mental and Behavioral Health Education and Training Grants

Alternate Name: Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training BHWET Opioid Workforce Expansion Program – Professionals OWEP-Pro Opioid Workforce Expansion Program – Paraprofessionals OWEP-Para Opioid Impacted Family Support Program OIFSP Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program AMFIntegrated Substance Use Disorder Training Program ISTP Behavioral Health Workforce Development Technical Assistance and Evaluation BHWD TAE Program Health and Public Safety Workforce Resiliency Training Program HPSWTP Promoting Resilience and Mental Health Among Health Professional Workforce PRMHW Health and Public Safety Workforce Resiliency Technical Assistance Center WRTAC


Program Number
Last Modified
Sept. 1, 2022
Date Posted
Sept. 1, 2022
The purpose of the behavioral health programs is to develop and expand the behavioral health workforce and address mental health and provider resiliency concerns among health care workers. Expanding the behavioral health workforce is addressed through the implementation of the following programs: 1) Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training program, 2) Opioid Workforce Expansion Program- Professionals, 3) Opioid Workforce Expansion Program- Paraprofessionals, 4) Opioid-Impacted Family Support Program, 5) Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program, 6) Integrated Substance Use Disorder Training Program 7)Behavioral Health Workforce Development Technical Assistance and Evaluation Program, The behavioral health programs also seek to promote efforts to address mental health and provider resiliency concerns among health care workers through education and training activities. This is addressed through the implementation of the following programs: 1) Promoting Resilience and Mental Health Among Health Professional Workforce (PRMHW), 2) Health and Public Safety Workforce Resiliency Training Program (HPSWTP); and 3) Health and Public Safety Workforce Resiliency Technical Assistance Center (WRTAC).
Type of Assistance
B - Project Grants
Applicant Eligibility
BHWET Professional Track: Accredited institutions of higher education or accredited behavioral health professional training programs in psychiatry, behavioral pediatrics, social work, school social work, substance use disorder prevention and treatment, marriage and family therapy, occupational therapy, school counseling, or professional counseling. Programs must require a pre-degree clinical field placement in behavioral health as part of the training and a prerequisite for graduation. Accredited schools of masters or doctoral-level training in psychiatric nursing programs. American Psychological Association (APA)-accredited doctoral level schools and programs of health service psychology or school psychology. BHWET Paraprofessional Track: Behavioral paraprofessional certificate training programs and peer paraprofessional certificate training programs offered by States, political subdivisions of states, Indian tribes and tribal organizations, public or nonprofit private health professions schools, academic health centers, State or local governments, or other appropriate public or private nonprofit entities as determined appropriate by the Secretary. OWEP Pro: Eligible applicants include accredited institutions of higher education or accredited behavioral health professional training programs; accredited masters or doctoral-level degree programs that include: psychiatry, psychology, school psychology, behavioral pediatrics, psychiatric nursing, social work, school social work, SUD prevention and treatment, marriage and family therapy, occupational therapy, school counseling, or professional counseling. OWEP Para: Eligible applicants include state-licensed mental health nonprofit and for profit organizations; eligible entities including academic institutions (i.e., universities, community colleges or technical schools), must be accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency, as specified by the U.S. Department of Education; Tribal organizations may apply, if otherwise eligible. OIFSP: State-licensed mental health nonprofit and for-profit organizations, including academic institutions, universities, community colleges, and technical schools, which must be accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency. AMF: eligible applicants include sponsoring institutions of accredited addiction medicine fellowship programs, or a consortium consisting of at least one teaching health center and one sponsoring institution of an addiction medicine or addiction psychiatry fellowship program. The sponsoring institution of addiction medicine or addiction psychiatry fellowship programs must be accredited by the Accrediting Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or, until 2021, by American College of Academic Addiction Medicine (ACAAM). Programs accredited by the ACAAM must demonstrate their ability to become ACGME accredited by 2021. For all programs, domestic faith-based and community-based organizations, tribes, and tribal organizations may apply for these funds, if otherwise eligible. ISTP: eligible applicants include Teaching Health Centers; Federally Qualified Health Centers; Community Mental Health Centers; Rural Health Clinics; health centers operated by the Indian Health Service, Indian tribes, tribal organizations, or urban Indian organizations (as defined in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act); Entities with a demonstrated record of success in providing training for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, health service psychologists, and/or social workers. BHWD TAE eligible applicants are Health professions schools, academic health centers, State or local governments, or other public or private nonprofit entities that provide services and training to health professions. PRMHW eligible applicants are entities providing health care, including health care providers associations and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). HPSWRP eligible applicants are Health professions schools, academic health centers, state or local governments, Indian tribes and tribal organizations, or other appropriate public or private nonprofit entities (or consortia of such entities, including entities promoting multidisciplinary approaches. WRTAC eligible applicants are health professions schools, academic health centers, state or local governments, Indian Tribes and tribal organizations, or other appropriate public or private nonprofit entities (or consortia of entities, including entities promoting multidisciplinary approaches). Entities providing health care, including health care providers associations and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs).
Beneficiary Eligibility
BHWET: In both the Professional and Paraprofessional Certificate Tracks, students must be enrolled in the school or program receiving the grant award in order to receive stipend and tuition support in the BHWET Program. In addition, students/interns must be U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, or foreign nationals who possess a visa permitting permanent residence in the United States. Individuals on temporary or student visas are not eligible to participate. OWEP Pro Students must be enrolled full or part time in the school or program receiving the grant award in order to receive stipend support. Students/interns must be eligible to work in the United States. A student/trainee receiving support must be a U.S. citizen or foreign national who possesses a visa permitting permanent residence in the United States. OWEP Para: Student must be enrolled full or part time in the school or program receiving the grant award in order to receive tuition support. OIFSP: Level I pre-service trainees must be enrolled full or part time in the school or program receiving the award in order to receive stipend and tuition support. Level II in-service trainees must have completed Level I pre-service training. A trainee receiving support must be a U.S. citizen or foreign national who possesses a visa permitting permanent residence in the United States. AMF: Fellows must be enrolled full or part-time in the sponsoring institution receiving the grant award in order to receive stipend support. A fellow must be a citizen of the United States or a foreign national who possesses a visa permitting permanent residence in the United States. Individuals on temporary or student visas are not eligible to participate. ISTP: participants or faculty/instructors receiving support from grant funds must be a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States. BHWD TAE: HRSA-funded programs: Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training --Professionals (BHWET Pro), Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program – Paraprofessional (BHWET Para), Opioid Workforce Expansion Program - Professionals (OWEP Pro), Opioid Workforce Expansion Program -Paraprofessionals (OWEP Para) and Graduate Psychology Education (GPE) Programs. PRMHW: health professional workforce (providers, other personnel, and members) HPSWRP: health care students, residents, professionals, paraprofessionals, trainees, public safety officers, and employers of such individuals WRTAC: HRSA-funded resiliency programs: PRMHW and HPSWRP
Federal Award Analysis

Mental and Behavioral Health Education and Training Grants grant spending











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Grant Awards

Mental and Behavioral Health Education and Training Grants direct grants

Grant Opportunities

Mental and Behavioral Health Education and Training Grants grant and assistance application opportunities