Search Grant Programs

93.568: Low-Income Home Energy Assistance

Alternate Name: LIHEAP


Program Number
Last Modified
Sept. 12, 2022
Date Posted
Sept. 12, 2022
The objective of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is to make grants available to States, the District of Columbia, US Territories, and Native American Tribes and tribal organizations for the purpose of assisting eligible households to meet the costs of home energy. Supplemental Leveraging Incentive funds may be awarded to reward States that provide additional benefits and services to LIHEAP-eligible households beyond what could be provided with Federal funds. A portion of the leveraging incentive funds may be set aside by HHS for LIHEAP recipients to provide services through local administrating agencies to help LIHEAP-eligible households reduce their energy vulnerability under the Residential Energy Assistance Challenge Program (REACH). Training and Technical Assistance funds are authorized to conduct federal monitoring and provide training and technical assistance to recipients administering the LIHEAP block grant.
Type of Assistance
A - Formula Grants
Applicant Eligibility
Energy Assistance Block Grants, REACH Grants, Leveraging Grants: All States, the District of Columbia, federally-and State-recognized Indian Tribal governments and tribal organization which request direct funding, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands may receive direct grants. The territories may choose to apply for funding through a consolidated Social Services Block Grant Plan. Training and Technical Assistance Grant, Contracts, Cooperative Agreements, or Interagency Agreements: States, Indian tribes or tribal organizations, Territories, public agencies, private nonprofit organizations and other private entities may apply. CARES Act Grants: Only LIHEAP grantees active in FY 2020 received CARES Act LIHEAP grants without need for a separate application to ACF. There were 13 tribal grantees that did not receive CARES Act LIHEAP funding because ACF had already awarded the maximum permitted for FY 2020 to those tribes based on the pre-negotiated fixed award amounts that were greater than the minimum annual amount they were entitled to under the federal LIHEAP statute. ARP Act Grants: Only LIHEAP grantees active in FY 2021 received ARP Act LIHEAP grants without need for a separate application to ACF. There were 10 tribal grantees that did not receive ARP Act LIHEAP funding because ACF had already awarded the maximum permitted for FY 2021 to those tribes based on the pre-negotiated fixed award amounts that were greater than the minimum annual amount they were entitled to under the federal LIHEAP statute.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Energy Assistance Block Grants: Households with incomes up to the greater of 150 percent of the federal poverty guidelines (FPG) or 60 percent of the estimated State median income (SMI) are eligible for benefits. Grantees may establish lower income eligibility levels, but they may not set the limit below 110 percent of FPG. Training and Technical Assistance Grants/Contracts: States, the District of Columbia, Indian tribes or tribal organizations, and Territories managing LIHEAP programs are the intended beneficiaries of the technical assistance services.
Federal Award Analysis

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance grant spending











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Grant Awards

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance direct grants

Grant Opportunities

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance grant and assistance application opportunities