93.110: Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs
Alternate Name: Special Projects of Regional and National Significance SPRANS, including the Community Integrated Service Systems CISS; Heritable Disorders Program; Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program; and Screening and Treatment for Maternal Depression and Related Behavioral Disorders Program
Program Number
Last Modified
Aug. 9, 2022
Date Posted
Aug. 9, 2022
To carry out special maternal and child health (MCH) projects of regional and national significance; to conduct training and research; to conduct genetic disease testing, counseling, and information development and dissemination programs; for the screening of newborns for sickle cell anemia, and other genetic disorders; to support comprehensive hemophilia diagnostic and treatment centers; and for increasing the capacity of pediatric providers to support families who have experienced sudden unexpected infant death or sudden unexplained death in childhood. These grants are funded with a set-aside from the MCH Block grant program. SPRANS grants are funded with 15 percent of the Block Grant appropriation of up to $600 million. When the appropriation exceeds $600 million, 12.75 percent of the amount over $600 million is set aside for the Community Integrated Service Systems grants. 15 percent of the balance remaining over $600 million is also for SPRANS. The CISS program is to develop and expand the following: (1) Home visitation; (2) increased participation of obstetricians and pediatricians; (3) integrated service delivery systems; (4) maternal and child health centers for women and infants, under the direction of a not-for-profit hospital; (5) services for rural populations; and (6) integrated state and community service systems for children and youth with special health care needs. First funded in 2004, the Heritable Disorders Program is established to improve the ability of States to provide newborn and child screening for heritable disorders and affect the lives of all of the nation’s infants and children. Newborn and child screening occur at intervals across the life span of every child. Newborn screening universally provides early identification and follow-up for treatment of infants affected by certain genetic, metabolic, hormonal and/or functional conditions. It is expected that newborn and child screening will expand as the capacity to screen for genetic and congenital conditions expands.
Type of Assistance
B - Cooperative Agreements
Applicant Eligibility
Training grants may be made to public or private nonprofit institutions of higher learning. Research grants may be made to public or private nonprofit institutions of higher learning and public or private nonprofit private agencies and organizations engaged in research or in MCH or Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) programs. Any public or private entity is eligible for hemophilia, genetics, and environmental health grants and other special project grants, including CISS. Eligible entities for the Heritable Disorders Program include a State or a political subdivision of a State; a consortium of two or more States of political subdivisions of States; a territory; a health facility or program operated by or pursuant to a contract with or grant from the Indian Health Service; or any other entity with appropriate expertise in newborn screening, as determined by the Secretary. Eligible entities for the Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program include States, political subdivisions of states, and Indian tribes and tribal organizations. Eligible entities for the Screening and Treatment for Maternal Depression and Related Behavior Disorders Program are states.
Beneficiary Eligibility
For training grants: (1) Trainees in the health professions related to MCH; and (2) mothers and children who receive services through training programs. For research grants: public or private nonprofit agencies and organizations engaged in research in MCH or CSHCN programs. For hemophilia, sickle cell, thalassemia, genetics, newborn screening, environmental health, and other special projects: (1) Public or private agencies, organizations and institutions; and (2) mothers and children, and individuals with genetic conditions (any age) who receive services through the programs. For Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program: pediatric mental health care teams; pediatric primary care providers; children, youth and families who receive services from pediatric primary care providers.
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Federal Award Analysis
Maternal and Child Health Federal Consolidated Programs grant spending
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