66.605: Performance Partnership Grants
Alternate Name: PPGs
Program Number
Last Modified
Sept. 21, 2022
Date Posted
Sept. 21, 2022
Improving EPA's partnership with the States and Tribes is critical to accelerating environmental outcomes. Performance Partnership Grants (PPGs) are the cornerstone of the National Environmental Performance Partnership System (NEPPS) -- EPA's strategy to strengthen partnerships and build a results-based management system. PPGs are innovative grant delivery tools that allow States and Tribes to combine up to 19 eligible State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) grants into a single grant with a single budget. PPGs can reduce administrative transaction costs, provide the flexibility to direct resources toward the highest priority environmental problems, and support cross-media approaches and initiatives. EPA's overarching goal is to optimize the leveraging power of PPGs to focus strategically on the joint priorities of EPA, States and Tribes. PPGs do not include any funding in addition to the state and tribal assistance grants provided under other statutory authorities. Improving EPA's partnership with the States and Tribes is critical to accelerating environmental outcomes. Performance Partnership Grants (PPGs) are the cornerstone of the National Environmental Performance Partnership System (NEPPS) -- EPA's strategy to strengthen partnerships and build a results-based management system. PPGs are innovative grant delivery tools that allow States and Tribes to combine up to 19 eligible State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) grants into a single grant with a single budget. PPGs can reduce administrative transaction costs, provide the flexibility to direct resources toward the highest priority environmental problems, and support cross-media approaches and initiatives. EPA's overarching goal is to optimize the leveraging power of PPGs to focus strategically on the joint priorities of EPA, States and Tribes. PPGs do not include any funding in addition to the state and tribal assistance grants provided under other statutory authorities. Please visit Implementing Performance Partnerships, (found at: https://www.epa.gov/ocir/nepps-implementing-performance-partnerships) to view a list of all 19 environmental program grants eligible for inclusion in a PPG.
Funding Priorities - Fiscal Year 2021: EPA headquarters and the Regional offices will give priority to flexibility and opportunities to work collaboratively with the States and Tribes. The Agency will continue to focus on achieving its goals for implementing NEPPS and Performance Partnership Grants (PPGs) which serve to: (1) strengthen partnerships between EPA, the States, Tribes and interstate agencies through joint planning, priority setting efficient and effective management of federal-state resources; (2) provide States, Tribes, and interstate agencies with flexibility to direct resources where they are needed to address environmental and public health priorities; (3) link program activities more effectively with environmental and public health goals and environmental outcomes; (4) foster implementation of innovative approaches such as pollution prevention, ecosystem management, and community-based environmental protection strategies; and (5) provide savings by streamlining administrative requirements.
Type of Assistance
A - Formula Grants
Applicant Eligibility
All States, interstate agencies, U.S. territories, the District of Columbia, and federally recognized Indian Tribes eligible to receive more than one of the 19 categorical grant programs referred are eligible to apply for PPGs. Any duly authorized State or tribal entity that currently receives or is eligible to receive EPA categorical program grants may request a PPG for the funds it administers. This may include agencies other than environmental agencies (for example, agricultural and health agencies), where authorized by state or tribal law.
Beneficiary Eligibility
States, U.S. territories, federally recognized Indian tribal governments, and interstate agencies.
Additional Information
Federal Award Analysis
Performance Partnership Grants grant spending
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Performance Partnership Grants direct grants
Grant Opportunities