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66.121: Puget Sound Protection and Restoration: Tribal Implementation Assistance Program

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Program Number
Last Modified
Sept. 21, 2022
Date Posted
Sept. 21, 2022
Puget Sound has been designated as one of 28 estuaries of National Significance under §320 of the Clean Water Act. The goal of the National Estuary Program is to attain and maintain water quality in designated estuaries that would assure protection of public water supplies and the protection and propagation of a balanced, indigenous population of shellfish, fish and wildlife and allows recreational activities in and on the water. The Puget Sound National Estuary Program's approved Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) is the Action Agenda. The Action Agenda for Puget Sound charts the course to recovery of our nation's largest estuary–it complements and incorporates the work of many partners from around Puget Sound to describe regional strategies and specific actions needed to recover Puget Sound. These strategies and actions provide opportunities for federal, state, local, tribal, and private entities to better invest resources and coordinate actions. The EPA is committed to protecting and improving water quality and minimizing the adverse impacts of rapid development in the Puget Sound Basin. These commitments include protecting the watersheds and waters of Puget Sound by protecting the fundamental watershed processes that provide and create aquatic habitats and by reducing the generation and release of toxic, nutrient and pathogen pollution. The Puget Sound Protection and Restoration: Tribal Implementation Assistance Program is aimed at assisting the Indian Tribes of the greater Puget Sound basin in their efforts to carry out work critically needed for Puget Sound protection and restoration. This work includes activities identified in, or consistent with, the Action Agenda such as efforts called for by established salmon recovery plans in the Puget Sound basin. EPA has a trust responsibility to Federally recognized Indian Tribes. EPA also recognizes that Federally recognized Indian Tribes in the greater Puget Sound basin have a critical role in the protection and restoration of the ecosystem and its resources. EPA seeks to provide financial assistance to these Tribes to help them implement priority strategies and actions in or consistent with the approved Clean Water Act §320 CCMP for Puget Sound. Funding Priorities - Fiscal Year 2021: Tribal Capacity grants (non-competitive) will be continued to support each Tribe and Consortium to participate in the Puget Sound Management Conference, depending on appropriations. Eligible tasks include representing tribal interests in Management Conference forums and processes and other activities like identifying limiting factors to habitat protection and salmon and shellfish recovery. Tribal Implementation Lead grant (competitive) will be continued with incremental FY2021 funding, depending on appropriations, to support eligible subaward work which includes watershed and marine/estuary habitat restoration projects. We anticipate that many of these projects will directly address salmon and shellfish recovery.
Type of Assistance
B - Cooperative Agreements (Discretionary Grants)
Applicant Eligibility
All federally recognized Indian Tribes located within the greater Puget Sound basin, and any consortium of these eligible Tribes, may apply for funding under the program. The greater Puget Sound basin is defined as all watersheds draining to the U.S. waters of Puget Sound, southern Georgia Basin, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. An eligible Intertribal consortium is one that demonstrates that: 1) a majority of its members meet the eligibility requirements for this program; 2) all members that meet the eligibility requirements authorize the consortium to apply for and receive the grant; and 3) only members that meet the eligibility requirements will benefit directly from the grant project and the consortium agrees to a grant condition to that effect. Federal and state agencies, institutions of higher learning, units of local government, special purpose districts, conservation districts, watershed planning units organized pursuant to RCW 90.82.040 and 060, local management boards organized pursuant to RCW 90.88.030, salmon recovery lead entities organized pursuant to RCW 77.85.050, regional fisheries enhancement group organized pursuant to RCW 77.95.060 and nongovernmental entities are not eligible to directly receive financial assistance awards under this assistance listing. Business enterprises and individuals or families will also not be eligible applicants. For certain competitive funding opportunities under this assistance listing, the Agency may limit eligibility to compete to a number or subset of eligible applicants consistent with the Agency's Assistance Agreement Competition Policy.
Beneficiary Eligibility
The beneficiary of assistance under this program would be the Federally recognized Indian Tribes or the consortia of these Tribes that receive the assistance. Ultimate beneficiaries would include the tribal members and the general public (due to the general public's interest in restoring and protecting the resources of Puget Sound).
Federal Award Analysis

Puget Sound Protection and Restoration: Tribal Implementation Assistance Program grant spending











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Puget Sound Protection and Restoration: Tribal Implementation Assistance Program direct grants

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