Search Grant Programs

15.575: Lower Colorado River Basin Conservation and Efficiency Program

Alternate Name: LC Conservation Program
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Program Number
Last Modified
May 17, 2023
Date Posted
May 17, 2023
The LC Conservation Program is intended to provide new opportunities to fund system conservation and efficiencies in the Lower Colorado River Basin that lead to more durable long-term solutions for the Colorado River System. These opportunities shall result in additional volumes of water remaining in Lake Mead.
Applicant Eligibility
Colorado River water delivery contract or entitlement holders and Central Arizona Project (CAP) water delivery contract or sub-contract holders, including partnerships with such entities, are eligible to apply. In the case of partnership proposals, the entitlement holder must be the applicant.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Not Applicable
Grant Awards

Lower Colorado River Basin Conservation and Efficiency Program direct grants

Grant Opportunities

Lower Colorado River Basin Conservation and Efficiency Program grant and assistance application opportunities