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14.905: Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program

Alternate Name: Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program
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Program Number
Last Modified
July 26, 2022
Date Posted
July 26, 2022
Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant assist State, Tribal, and local governments to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in privately-owned housing that is owned by or rented to low- or very-low income families. Specific objectives include: (1) Maximize the combination of children less than six years of age protected from lead poisoning and housing units where lead-hazards are controlled; (2) preventing childhood lead poisoning; (3) Stimulate lower-cost and cost-effective methods and approaches to lead hazard control work that can be replicated; (4)Build local capacity to safely and effectively address lead hazards during lead hazard control, renovation, remodeling, and maintenance activities by integrating lead safe work practices into housing maintenance, repair, weatherization, rehabilitation and other programs that will continue beyond the grant period; (5) Affirmatively further fair housing and environmental justice (6) Develop a comprehensive community approach to address lead hazards in housing by mobilizing public and private resources, involving cooperation among all levels of government, the private sector, and grassroots community-based nonprofit organizations, including faith-based organizations, to develop cost-effective methods for identifying and controlling lead-based paint hazards (7) establishing a public registry of lead-safe housing; and (8) To the greatest extent feasible, promote job training, employment, and other economic opportunities for low-income and minority residents and businesses that are owned by and/or employ minorities and low-income persons as defined in 24 CFR 135.5 (See 59 FR 33881, June 30, 1994). In addition to the requirements above, you must have at least 3,500 pre-1940 occupied rental housing units (either alone or through a consortium).
Type of Assistance
B - Project Grants
Applicant Eligibility
To be eligible to apply for the Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Program, the applicant must be a city, county, or other unit of local government. States and Indian Tribes may apply on behalf of units of local government within their jurisdiction, if the local government designates the state or the Indian Tribe as their applicant. Multiple units of a local government (or multiple local governments) may apply as part of a consortium; however, you must identify a prime applicant that will be responsible for ensuring compliance with all requirements specified in this NOFA. State government and Native American tribal applicants must have an EPA approved State Program for certification of lead-based paint contractors, inspectors, and risk assessors in accordance with 40 CFR 745 in effect on the application deadline date to be eligible to apply for Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant funds.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Occupants and owners of eligible target housing, Section 1011(a) of the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (Title X). Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grants shall be for lead-based paint hazard control in this housing. Funds shall be available only for projects conducted using contractors and inspectors certified, and workers trained through an EPA authorized program. Selected beneficiaries must comply with all eligibility criteria and all applicable restrictions presented in the Appropriation language and with all requirements presented in the NOFA.
Federal Award Analysis

Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program grant spending











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Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program direct grants

Grant Opportunities

Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program grant and assistance application opportunities