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10.922: Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP)

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Program Number
Last Modified
July 29, 2022
Date Posted
July 29, 2022
The purpose of the Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP) is to assist landowners, on a voluntary basis, in restoring, enhancing and protecting forestland resources on private lands through easements, 30-year contracts and 10-year cost-share agreements. The objectives of HFRP are to: 1. Promote the recovery of endangered and threatened species; under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) 2. Improve plant and animal biodiversity 3. Enhance carbon sequestration.
Type of Assistance
C - Direct Payments for Specified Use
Applicant Eligibility
NRCS, in coordination with FWS or NMFS, will determine whether land is eligible for enrollment and whether once found eligible, the lands may be included in the program based on the likelihood of successful restoration, enhancement and protection of forest ecosystem functions and values when considering the cost of acquiring the easement, 30-year contract, or 10-year cost share agreement and the restoration, protection, enhancement, maintenance, and management costs. Land will be considered eligible for enrollment in the HFRP only if NRCS determines that:(i) Such private land will contribute to the restoration or enhancement of the habitat or otherwise measurably increase the likelihood of recovery for a selected species listed under section 4 of the ESA; and(ii) Such private land will contribute to the restoration or enhancement of the habitat or otherwise measurably improve the well-being of a selected species not listed under Section 4 of the ESA but is a candidate for such listing, or the selected species is a State-listed species, or is a species identified by the Chief for special consideration for funding. NRCS may also enroll land adjacent to eligible land if the enrollment of such adjacent land would contribute significantly to the practical administration of the easement area, but not more than it determines is necessary for such contribution. To be enrolled in the program, eligible land must be configured in a size and with boundaries that allow for the efficient management of the area for easement purposes and otherwise promote and enhance program objectives.
Beneficiary Eligibility
To be eligible to enroll an easement in the HFRP, an individual or entity must (1) Be the landowner of eligible land for which enrollment is sought; (2) Agree to provide such information to NRCS, as the agency deems necessary or desirable, to assist in its determination of eligibility for program benefits and for other program implementation purposes. In the case of acreage owned by an Indian tribe, NRCS may enroll acreage into the HFRP which is privately owned by either the tribe or an individual.
Federal Award Analysis

Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP) grant spending











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Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP) direct grants

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