Search Grant Programs

10.427: Rural Rental Assistance Payments

Alternate Name: Rental Assistance


Program Number
Last Modified
Sept. 2, 2022
Date Posted
Sept. 2, 2022
To reduce the tenant contribution paid by low-income families occupying eligible Rural Rental Housing (RRH), Rural Cooperative Housing (RCH), and Farm Labor Housing (LH) projects financed by the Rural Housing Service (RHS) through its Sections 515, 514 and 516 loans and grants.
Type of Assistance
C - Direct Payments for Specified Use
Applicant Eligibility
To be eligible to participate in the rental assistance program, borrowers must have an eligible project. All projects must convert to Interest Credit Plan II before they are eligible, except direct RRH and insured RRH loans approved prior to August 1, 1968, and LH loans and grants. For a borrower to have an eligible project, the loan must be an RRH insured or direct loan made to a broad-based nonprofit organization, or State or local agency or; an RRH insured loan made to an individual or organization who has or will agree to operate the housing on a limited profit basis as defined in 7 CFR 3560.254 (a) or; an RCH insured or direct loan or; an LH loan, or an LH loan and grant combination made to a broad-based nonprofit organization or nonprofit organization of farm workers or a State or local public agency. New construction and/or rehabilitation projects, utilizing the Section 8 program from HUD will not be considered eligible projects, although it may be used for eligible families in existing projects utilizing Section 8 for part of the units.
Beneficiary Eligibility
Any very low and low-income family, handicapped or senior citizen that is unable to pay the approved rental rate for an eligible RHS rental assistance unit within 30 percent of their adjusted monthly income. Households eligible for rental assistance are those 1) whose net tenant contribution to rent, determined in accordance with 3560.203 (a)(2), is less than the basic rent for the unit; 2) who meet the occupancy rules established by the borrower in accordance with 3560.155 (e); and 3) who have a signed, unexpired tenant certification form on file with the borrower. Additional eligibility requirements must be met for Section 514 Farm Labor Housing Program occupancy.
Grant Awards

Rural Rental Assistance Payments direct grants

Grant Opportunities

Rural Rental Assistance Payments grant and assistance application opportunities